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CannAcrylic is a US based website. We take your personal privacy very seriously and will not sell, distribute or disclose information about you unless approved by you or unless we are required to do so by law.
If you place an order with us your payment details are processed securely by PayPal. PayPal encrypts data sent to and from us and our customers.
For your security and ours, PayPal uses automated fraud screening. A transaction may be stopped if automated checks indicate that stolen or fraudulent payment information is entered at our checkout.
When you place your order, you’ll be asked to provide your name, address, email address and telephone number (optional) so that we can fulfil your order. You'll also be asked to provide a name and address for shipping/delivery. The shipping/delivery name and address, and any specific message provided by you, will be given to the maker of the item ordered for the purpose of fulfilling your order. Your email address may also be given to the maker, but only for the purpose of fulfilling your order.
We provide links to other sites that may not have the same strict privacy policy as ours and so we cannot accept responsibility for other sites once customers have left
If you have any specific questions about how we handle your data, please email us on Shop@CannAcrylic.
We hope that the craft information and news we provide for you is both useful and interesting. Please be aware that details are liable to change, and information is only provided as a guide and not as a recommendation or an endorsement.
We suggest you make your own research into any courses or events you may wish to attend, or any job or funding opportunities you might want to pursue. We do not accept responsibility for any aspect of the content of the courses, events, jobs, organizations or news items that we list on our site.
We really welcome feedback or suggestions for content from individual Makers or organizations but retain editorial control. We will correct any inaccuracies as quickly as possible once we are made aware of them.
We provide links to other sites for your reference. Please be aware that these sites may not have the same strict privacy policy as we do, and we cannot accept responsibility for their content.
Thanks for checking out all of my favorite creations! Please feel free to reach out with any questions, suggestions, comments, concerns, and customized orders!